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eSports Betting News

Cloud9 has announced a raft of roster changes ahead of the team’s weekend match-up in the League of Legends: NA LCS Summer Split.

Their starting roster for this weekend will be as follows:

  • Top – Licorice
  • Jungle – Svenskeren
  • Mid – Jensen -> Goldenglue
  • ADC – Sneaky -> Keith
  • Support – Smoothie -> Zeyzal

It is still unclear whether or not this roster change is a result from scrimmage results, effort put into practice or the new Challenger series streaming contract C9 has secured, but Jensen, Sneaky and Smoothie will be moving down to the Challenger Academy team during this time.

Importantly, this has not altered our betting predictions for Saturday and Sunday.

C9 versus Clutch Gaming on Saturday will prove to be a closer match than aforementioned, however still in favor of C9. Although Goldenglue may not be as tested as Jensen may forfeit lane pressure against Febiven, the substitution of Keith and Zeyzal may not have too much negative impact considering the state of the bottom lane at the moment.

In the Sunday match versus Optic Gaming the same holds true in Goldenglue versus PowerOfEvil as it did in the C9 vs CG match. The difference is that the botlane matchup is no longer favored for the enemy side, as despite Arrow’s good performances, he has yet to receive a support that can match his playstyle.

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