Dreamhack is the organizer of many of the biggest esports events on the planet, and with several huge tournaments on the horizon in 2021, including the Dota 2 Leipzig Major, we don’t expect them to go away anytime soon.

Dreamhack Anaheim betting

Dreamhack esports tournament dates 2020

The first Dreamhack event of 2020 will be played in January.

Dreamhack Anaheim

  • Dreamhack Anaheim start date: February 21
  • Dreamhack Anaheim finish date: February 23

Dreamhack Anaheim is an event to mark in your diaries and one we’re really excited about. What makes Anaheim such a great event? The fact there are multiple games — including CS:GO, Fortnite and Hearthstone — being played over an action-packed 72 hour period. There is even an arcade fighting game event that anyone can enter.